I did try out the english essential version , which is not yet available yet in my native language ( dutch ) yet. I have to say I am impressed by the way it performs on my laptop : nice and smooth and light on recourses , the webfilter runs smooth on both chome and avast secure web browser , without any noticeable slowdowns / lags.
there are some ( negative ) remarks from my end : I do not like the gui , it is a bit to complicated settings wise ( hidden away out of sight / no all to logical ) and the overal outlay is not my cup of tea , I like the gui of the normal avast better. Avast one is less configurable and misses some ( in my opinion ) critical configuration options , like hardened mode , the option to select high sensitive mode and cybercapture , so I hope these options will be migitated / implemented to future versions??
Thank you for your feedback. Most of the features were renamed. Hardened mode and CyberCapture are under File Shield. https://support.avast.com/en-ww/article/One-FAQ/#idt_4250