Since the recent Avast upgrade to 4.6.603 which has NNTP scanning, I’ve has to disable this (I’m using Thunderbird now, but Mozilla had the same problem) because I keep getting asked to re-enter username and password every time I access a news group.
This seems to happen every time when I switch from one news server to another (I use both and several private servers), presumably Avast “forgets” the login information when switching servers. But is also happens at other times as well…
Has anyone else had this problem? I’d like to enable NNTP scanning because I use Usenet a lot, but can’t if I have to keep re-entering username/password each time (and Password Manger doesn’t remember them either).
Avast does not “remember” your news server login information. It will remember only your ISP mail server login for email scanning. All other scanning is done “on the fly” which means if your computer downloads it, looks at it, or you open a file…Avast scans.
You said that Password Manager does not remember them. This is indicative of a problem other than Avast!
Avast does not control or affect the Password Manager.
Sometimes, NNTP servers “drop” a cookie. If you have cookies disabled, this would cause the problem you are having. The system would not be able to identify you because the “cookie” which “holds” your information is not on your system when the NNTP server looks for it.
This sounds more like a browser problem, but I will do some research on it.
Both the news servers I use require username/password login – if I disable NNTP scanning in Avast this works fine and I never have to re-enter username/password, but with Avast NNTP scanning enabled I have to do it every time.
This is why I think it’s Avast causing this to happen, it’s only started since NNTP scanning was enabled in a recent release.
Yes, I can see your point. I have not received any other feedback on such a problem from other users here in the forum so I was a bit skeptical at first. I will do whatever research I can.
Send off a copy of the problem to anyway. It may be in the software which we cannot correct by setting manipulation.