I can’t enter to Internet when Avast is running, but when I stop Avast i have Internet. I have try with Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. I don’t have Firewall. My S.O. is XP prof.
thank you
I can’t enter to Internet when Avast is running, but when I stop Avast i have Internet. I have try with Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. I don’t have Firewall. My S.O. is XP prof.
thank you
Do you have any other programs installed (like internetfiltering software) ?
No I haven’t
Do you use the windows xp firewall and if so, is avast excluded ?
I have disabled the Xp firewall.
In Avast configuration “Web protection\basic” transparent scan http is 80. If I remove the port 80 I can access to Internet.
Please read this:
Must I use a proxy software lilke Proxomitron to use Avast?
No, but it discusses a problem with webshield disabling internet, and the way to use the helpfiles.
Maybe this is of more help to you:
Thank you.
I’ll try to read slowly, is too mucvh information.
Another thing:
what is FF?
Many, many thanks