No activity in script shield with ie9

As the title state’s this is not working for me on two win7 64 bit systems running the ie9 32 bit browser, also checked on a friends 32 bit system with win7 and ie9 and nothing there either so was just wondering if this is a common issue and known problem with ie9 or just my systems ?, YoKenny say’s that it’s working for him on his system so i cant work out why its not on mine ???

No activity here W7 with IE9 :cry:

No activity here on IE9 either…Well, that’s because I got tired of the shield running 24/7, yet NEVER scanning a single, solitary item…So I uninstalled it. ;D

Good to hear that im not the only one then :slight_smile:

Actually Script Shield doesn’t support IE9 and firefox4…

Win 7 HP 64 bit, IE 9.

I did report it earlier :

Scott’s also experiencing the same thing :

Mine only supports windows media player :stuck_out_tongue:

windows 7 32bit sp1

lol! Ditto

So it seems the problem is across the board which is releaving for me to know since it is not just a problem at my end which brings me to wonder why YoKenny say’s it is working for him, he supplied a screen shot here

I dont think that his scripts in foto are from ie9.
For me , i open 3 times windows media player and in stats says 400 script total last week.
For him says 200 scripts total last week. When script shield was working for me with ie8, i had with the usage of one hour from internet explorer above 600 scanned scripts per hour.

I discussed that today with kenny in a pm as to wheather he was sure it was scanning in the same setup as i had described to which he answered that his was scanning as he pm’d me with win7 ie9.
I do get activity with the media player by the way.
Im starting to think kenny was pulling my leg ?

I can confirm script sheild does not work yet with windows 7 64 bit ie9, I was thinking it was because ie9 was not released but now that it has been released avast needs to get it to work.

Script Shield is designed to scan Windows Script Host activity the great majority of which was generated by Internet Explorer activity in prior versions of IE.

MSFT redesigned the JavaScript engine in IE9 which as I understand it eliminates the reliance on Windows Script Hosting. Therefore Script Shield is rendered irrelevant with respect to Windows Script Host activity and IE9 as IE9 does not use Windows Script Host. As a result there should be very little activity in SS if you are using IE9.

same there :frowning:

Please make it work with IE9…


What about us Chrome guys? :stuck_out_tongue:

I am afraid that people really do not have the correct idea about Script Shield.

I’m not pulling your leg.
This is the current Script Shield on my Windows 7 system and I am using IE9 64bit.

The Script Shield will, most likely, be extended to some other browsers, and improved even for IE. But - it will take some time (probably won’t happen this year).