I will receive a virus alert when there is scan a virus.
In the ADNM console settings have i set correct SMTP setting ( Server address, port, From address, and the authentication)
In the ADNM console → Alerts have i create a new Alert with the name: Alter1. This Alert is a SMTP email address. When i test here the SMTP will the email be send and received.
In the ADNM console → Tasks → Client-side tasks → On-access scanning tasks is the ‘default resident task’ when i look to the task properties will i see by ‘Alerts’ that ‘Alert1’ will used as ‘used alerts’.
In the ADNM console → Tasks → Client-side tasks → On-demand scanning tasks is the ‘Rootkit scan’ when i look to the task properties will i see by ‘Alerts’ that ‘Alert1’ will used as ‘used alerts’.
In the ADNM console → Tasks → Client-side tasks → On-demand scanning tasks is the ‘Scan local disks’ when i look to the task properties will i see by ‘Alerts’ that ‘Alert1’ will used as ‘used alerts’.
When i look the properties of ADNM console → Sessions → On-Access scanners see i there that Alert1 not in use as used alerts. I can’t edit this, because the controls are grayed!
When i look the properties of ADNM console → Sessions → local scanners see i there that Alert1 not in use as used alerts. I can’t edit this, because the controls are grayed!
Did you find solution? I’ve the same problem. I can configure ADNM to send mail via SMTP by NetClient but I can’t configure to send mail by ADNM server.
Sending alerts by Client works ok (and sending warning info in Polish language :)) but some clients don’t have an internet connection (due policy restrictions) and they can’t send SMTP alert.
In ‘Sessions’ → ‘On Access Scaners’ (or ‘Local Scanners’) → ‘Properties’ → ‘Alerts’ I’ve grayed ‘Available alerts’: ‘MyAlert’ but ‘Used alerts’ is empty.
In ‘Tasks’ → ‘On Access Scanners’ (or ‘Local Scanners’) → ‘Default Resident Task’ (so on…) → ‘Properties’ → ‘Alerts’ I’ve ‘Available alerts’ empty and ‘Used alerts’: ‘MyAlert’. But I can’t turn it (apply) into working session.
When I ‘modify’ alert and hit ‘Test’ or ‘Test All’ i’ve recieve an alert mail (in English) from ADNM server.
I’ve tried to make copy of ‘Default Resident Task’ named ‘Copy of Default Resident Task’ and change in ‘Computer Group’ → ‘Properties’ → ‘Policies Avast Antivirus’ → ‘On Access Scanning Task’ to ‘Copy of Default Resident Task’. This didn’t change grayed properies of session.
It’s already done. And clients are capable to send me an alert (those who can due policy restrictions).
But I want ADNM server to send me alerts too for those clients who can’t contact my SMTP server directly because they are blocked by a company firewall.