no avast auto-update behind proxy ?


avast home auto update procedure has to pass a AVM-KEN!
proxy/mail server to access internet. I have set the proxy
ip-adress and port in avast settings, alternatively I have set to
“use IE settings”. For both kind of settings:

  • testing the settings there works fine
  • manual update always works fine
  • automated update never works, one gets the red “update failed window”
    when the PC is started. Even if the www is accessed using FF or IE during
    daily work, avast does not update automatically.

Running the PC connected to a hardware router with NAT/integrated firewall,
avast updates without any problem.

Any idea what additional settings to apply to have the automated
update working? Thank you !

Increase the update delay period. More info click Settings in my signature and find AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds value into the [InetWD] section of avast4.ini file.

This is worse… if you’re sure it’s not your hardware router + NAT/integrated firewall which is blocking the update…
avast checks if there is an available connection each 40 seconds.
If there isn’t, wait more 40 seconds to check. Checking does not take more than one second and, of course, does not use the Internet band. If there is a connection, check for an update. If there is not any new file to download, wait 4 hours to start checking again. If there is an available update, start it and install it. Again, wait 4 hours to check the next time.

Hi Tech,

  • the users are online for hours and the automated update does not run
  • if you initiate the update manually, it is processed and completed at once without any error
  • this is not only with one installation, but with all companies I manage, which run the “AVM KEN!”
    mailserver/proxy/router software
  • there is no hardware router, everything is managed by the AVM Software, all Internet acces passes
    the AVM Software
  • all other software accessing the www through AVM Software works without any problem
  • if I use a harware router/firewall instead of the AVM Software, then Avast updates as it should

Jockel ,well, I can only say that if with AVM KEN proxy you can’t update, the problem is with it and avast!
But, if you be only and just wait, won’t avast! update or is that you just ‘think’ it did not run.
I mean, which is your VPS version?
If you set the computer to update avast! at Silent Mode, perhaps you’re not seeing the update but it is there…

Hi Tech,

Yes, I am certain that AVM causes the problem. But as all other web applications work fine, I was just
hoping somebody knows about any settings to apply to the AVM Firewall (ports to open…whatever)
so avast starts updating again.

But, if you be only and just wait, won't avast! update or is that you just 'think' it did not run. I mean, which is your VPS version? If you set the computer to update avast! at Silent Mode, perhaps you're not seeing the update but it is there...
I am certain that avast does not update because: - it is not set to silent mode - win-XP security center starts reporting after some days, that the avast-database is out of date. - whenever I look at the update datum of avast, it is some days old and if I initiate the update manually it starts updating at once.

Does anybody know, what the difference is (seen from the protocol view) between automated
and manual update mode ? The automated update mode must initiate some different kind of
communication. Else the manual update mode would fail too !

I found this in forum:

[i]The only difference between manual and auto updates is that in the former case, avast.setup is spawned directly by the application from which you invoked the update. In the auto-update case, however, avast.setup is executed by ashServ.exe, the avast service. The service runs under the LocalSystem account, i.e. not under the account you’re currently loggen on.

avast.setup changes with every program update. That is, its MD5 checksum changes as well… You need to tell the firewall that you don’t want to check the MD5 of this file, or at least update the stored MD5 hash to the one of the latest version.

For info about the IP addresses, please refer to the FAQ:[/i]

My problem is slightly different…
Playing with (for learning purposes) a win2000 server, and trying to have avast update on my machine (not the 2000 server)
I have (on my machine) web access throught the 2000 server, and Ihave set the proxy on avast to be the same as the IE settings (as I have web access) and clicking on TEST gets an “ok - your good to go” message.
Try to do an update however and it fails saying it needs authentication!

Any suggestions?


Hi Tech,

interesting points!I will see if I can solve the problem looking at those issues!
Thank you!



Anyone have any suggestions for my issue?



W0mbat, I use a local proxy in one of my computers (XP SP2) and not a trouble.
Unfortunatelly, I’m not used with Windows Server version.
Are you talking about the proxy or the gateway when you said about the ‘same proxy’?

same proxy settings as for those in IE.

Basicly the same thing as jockel reported in his first post only I am using win2000 server rather than AVM-KEN.



Manual updates are started under currently logged user (if he has admin rights), but automatic updates run by default under LocalSystem account.

Change the login for services “avast! Antivirus” and “avast! iAVS4 Control Service” to Administrator local. After that, auto-updates should work too.

So the non-administrator user account can’t manualy invoke the VPS update? The program update I can agree but the VPS?

Again, the non-administrator account won’t update, even manually?
What can we expect from iPush updates? Will it work with a non-administrator account?

If non-admin user is logged, update is started using LocalSystem account (taken from avast service) that has sufficient privileges and new version is downloaded both manually and automatically.

But if you connect using proxy server that doesn’t allow LocalSystem account to use internet, update download fails. When service account is changed to user allowed on proxy server, updates will be downloaded using this account and should finish succesfully.

The services are:
avast! iAVS4 Control Service - login for all kinds of update
avast! Antivirus - login for automatic updates
avast! Mail Scanner - login for push updates


But if you connect using proxy server that doesn’t allow LocalSystem account to use internet, update download fails. When service account is changed to user allowed on proxy server, updates will be downloaded using this account and should finish succesfully.[quote”]
I interpret your wording “does not allow”, as, the proxy does request a username and a password.
For the AVM KEN! version of the problem, there is no username or password required to access the
proxy, respectively to access the internet. All you have to do to have acces to www in whahtever
account (restricted user or admin) is, to enter the proxy IP adress and the port in use. Here for
example this is
Does the local system account when initiating the automatic update (during non admin session)
possibly not know about the dedicated port/IP to use?

  • the proxy IP/port is set in ie-explorer
  • the proxy IP/port is set in AVAST settings
    Manual update always works fine, whatever type of user is logged in.


bump ???

still trying to get this to update automaticly.
Any more thoughts please?
