No avast! definitions update popups on startup

Updating the program last week, I used to almost always get a pop-up on startup indicating the definitions update. I haven’t been getting them that much this week.

The settings window is indicating I have the newest updates, but I am not seeing any popups.

I reinstalled the program from scratch. It appears my installation was corrupted to begin with. For whatever reason, I was getting the SafeZone icon in my task bar instead of the avast a icon…

Avast tech advises this problem will be addressed in the next program update…we’ll just have to wait and see! Many of us use Avast just for this popular feature.

I have a suspicion this will be back with option to disable,
I would hope this is re-evaluated. :slight_smile:

I miss the popups. :cry:

You mean back to as it was, as there was always an option to disable it ;D

Not to mention all of the complaints that there was a pop-up.
Six one way, half dozen the other.

This might interest you

Totally unrelated - streaming updates have A) never been announced and B) you would still have to manually check to see you are getting them and or the VPS updates.

Bob did make a reference to streaming updates. However this does not matter
since the regular vps updates would include the previous CSU. Therefore the reason
avast stopped the pop-ups is directly related to the CSU.

Well you will have to convince Vlk about this relevance as he isn’t convinced about the cessation of the VPS update notifications, when he responded to this in Wilders.

I see no reason why one should mean the other is irrelevant. They both operate in different ways and without the notification you have no indication that something is working or not.

Yes agreed and in that “notification” comes that ‘comfortable security feeling’ ;D :wink:
And again to mention that there is an “icon of being unique” associated with the Voice update notification that I believe VLK eluded too. :slight_smile: