No avast! info on Microsoft site?

I played with security centera bit and there is no recommendation for avast!

Recommendation list of AVs:

Stop avast!,Security Center warning will pop up. Open Security Center and click Recommendation. New window appears and select “Get Another antivirus program” How? link (its the same as one above).

It would be nice to add avast! to this list(we even had a “contest” on making best description) so it will get well known now,since the list is small and users are starting or will be starting to use SP2 soon.
Just my recommendation :slight_smile:

PS: Great job on SP2 compatibility and functionality with avast! :slight_smile:

I’m afraid you must pay a lot to Microsoft just to be called a partner
(Microsoft Windows Security Center Antivirus Partners) :cry:

I cannot even believe that all recommended antivirus…
Vlk, sorry, I cannot sustain… sometimes we must show our fanaticism ;D

There’s no chance we can be on that page. We have tried.
BTW it’s the same listing as on the “Protect Your PC” initiative page


Vlk,what went wrong with this one ???

Nothing went wrong, it’s just that “and there are no immediate plans to add vendors to either of those sites.”

Oh :slight_smile: You know whats best for avast! :smiley:

Am I the only one?

No,avast! monitoring is perfect,i just wondered why are there listed only “big” companies… (check the URL above in my first post).

I can offer a guess on that last question…

Symantec, Trend Micro, McAfee, etc. are large companies with the resources to pay Microsoft lots of money to get their products prominently mentioned on Microsoft’s website. Since their products are all commercial (paid), they would not take kindly to having a free product appear in the same listing, stealing their business and costing them money. Microsoft is savvy enough to know better than to alienate these larger companies with deep pocketbooks for the sake of a smaller company offering a product for free download (however good it might be).

What you might consider would be to make a “Plus” version available, using the exact same software as your standard version except for a slightly different registration scheme and About box, charging US$29.95 for it, and then convincing Microsoft to list THAT on their site.

This way, the other AV vendors see just another commercial product available for purchase, and they feel less threatened. Microsoft gets the opportunity to list Avast without alienating their gravy train, so they’re happy. And you get to keep offering one hell of a fine product to your user base for free while gaining lots of exposure (and maybe even a few sales at $30 each!), so you’re happy. Everybody wins! :slight_smile:


There is already a Professional Edition of avast! :smiley:


I’m aware of that. But there are significant differences between the Pro and Standard versions, right?

What I suggested is not a new version, but a repackaging of an existing version to get around the “we don’t want to share our advertising space with a free product!” limitation.

You could put the Pro version up there too, I suppose, but my thinking was more along the lines of hacking around Microsoft’s requirements to get a mention on their site, rather than actually advertising a legitimate commercial product. The “Plus” version I suggested would have differed from the standard, free version only in method of registration and contents of the About box, for people who insist on paying for something even when it’s free.

ahh, i see what you mean now, slaps forhead, i should of read that better really, nice idea there.


Well “payble is usually better then free” doesn’t apply to avast!.
I can only say “free can usually be better then payable” And avast! HE is exactly the second thing. And ppls like legal free stuff i know that.

Sorry for them… We must stop making advertisement of them…

Better don’t have so much clients like these ones… ;D

Hi i think i initially had the red light come on in the SECURITY CONTROL CENTRE XPSP2 telling me that i had no VIRUS PROTECTION which worried me as i had installed AVAST!,at the time i had NAV 2003 installed but disabled and this caused a conflict with AVAST 4.0,so i uninstalled AVAST and NAV 2003,and re-installed AVAST 4.0 and re-sarted and VOILA security center (3) GREEN LIGHTS ( AVAST REPORTS THAT WINDOWS IS UP TO DATE AND ANTI-VIRUS IS ON).Hope this helps.

best regards

deep purple ::slight_smile:

Deep purple, please, download RejZoR application (link Control) in my signature and choose the option to full remove of Norton.
If you did not remove some Registry keys of Norton, you won`t be protected by avast (specially on 16bits applications or DOS under XP) :wink: