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No way to contact Avast Bloggers to make suggestions.
Too bad.

I had a good additional suggestion to a recent email sent out about “Fake Mobile App Store Apps”.
They commented about paying for and downloading “Avast Mobile” apps from the store, and customers inadvertently getting scammed.

The best solution I see would be to use the links provided within the Avast Interface itself installed on one’s desktop computer.

Well you could post it in the Avast Mobile Apps (Avast Mobile Security for Android sub-forum) - - where it is more likely to be picked up.

I don’t use mobile apps. This post is an effort to try and email a suggestion to the bloggers who emailed me on that topic. Thanks for the suggestion though, that does make sense if I were trying to get involved with mobile apps. Thank You.

You’re welcome.

Hi, thanks to DavidR for contacting me about this.
I will forward the link it to the bloggers.

Thank you Tereza for forwarding it.