No Disk on Boot Scan


I scheduled a boot time scan (Avast 4.7 Home), and the first thing I got was:

Scan of all local drives
File *MBR0 Error 0xC0000013 {No Disk}

I scheduled the scan in the first place to make sure I didn’t have virus damage to the MBR, as I have been experiencing problems.

After this message it continued and scanned the files on all my drives OK.

Any explanations welcome.

I have a WD 320G SATA2 hard drive connected to an Abit KN9 Ultra M/B and an 18G SCSI160 drive connected to an Adaptec 29160N card.



It would be great if you resize your avatar to 100x100 pixels (at most).

Edited: Most probably, the SCSI disk card is not detected by avast boot time scanner as, at that time, no drivers for SCSI are loaded…

Yeah, sorry about that - I thought it would get resized automatically. When I saw the size of it I removed it :-[

OK, well if it’s the SCSI drive then that shouldn’t be a problem, although it did scan an external USB drive as well.


USB devices might well be enabled in your BIOS but as Tech said SCSI drivers may not be loaded before boot.