no flag and country name under my username in my posts

??? ??? ??? ??? i have no flag and country name under my username in posts can you help me

You need 20 posts first.

When you do get to that point, it will also depend on which forum theme you choose (under look & layout preferences in your profile settings). There are quite a few features here that some themes support and others don’t, or only support poorly. I use the Classic YaBB theme, and can’t see the flags either.

Maybe one of these millennia someone will be nice (and ambitious) enough to draw up a chart of what does or doesn’t work in each theme, and post it as a sticky.

No, please…!!
Not another sticky, or else remove some of the old ones first.

I need to get busy, so I can get to 20 :stuck_out_tongue:

You just did. ;D

OK, no sticky (not that I was gonna be the one to do the work anyway :wink: ) – but a lot of us agree it would be nice to have that theme-capability info all in one post rather than all over the place as it is now. New members, I’m sure, would particularly appreciate it.

Now I feel like a real member!

Add a sig then. :wink:

Like that ;D

Yep. :slight_smile:

The current Forum or Board Default available in Look and Layout Preferences under Modify Profile is the new version. 8)

;D ;D ;D thank you for all your replies


Welcome to the forum!
If you give me an answer, you’ll get 1 Post more at the counter… :wink:

thanks sky for your welcome!!!

Well done! ;D



In Account Related Settings select Hide email address from public? to prevent scammers and spammers harvesting your email address.

Note: After you update your PROFILE only Moderators will be able to see your email address.

You should do, what YoKenny says!
We all can see your email adress at the moment… :o