How do you get the “A” icon to appear on the bottom tool bar. I’ve just come back from a crash recovery and all my settings have to be redone.
Try a repair of Avast.
control panel > software > add/remove > avast > change
No, didn’t work.
Already removed and reinstalled Avast?
If not :
- use the Uninstall utillity
- reboot
- reinstall
But before doing so, check Avast’s log file for errors.
I fixed it by going to msconfig and checking the thingie that starts Avast on startup. I rebooted and bingo! There is was.
I have one more question. How do I set up Avast to automatically scan my incoming and outgoing emails. It used to do that and it doesn’t anymore. I use to see a message each time I mailed saying it had scanned and an alarm would go off when I received a dubious email. It no longer does that.
That depend on what email client you use. Try the mail wizzard.
start > programs > avast > mailwizzard
Done! Thank you!
OK but I don’t see any difference. How do I know Avast is checking my mail? Didn’t there used to be something that told you that and even said so on the bottom of your outgoing emails?
If your provider allows you to, you can send yourself a mail with the EICAR test file. Avast should respond to that.
If your provider doesn’t allow you to send “infected” mails, and you have Avast checking outgoing mail, Avast should detect you are trying to send a “infected” mail.
Don’t worry. The eicar test file is harmless, it only tests your av which in this case is Avast.
You can also check the email settings in your mail client. The settings of your pop and smtp server should look different now from what you had put in there.
My mail account looks the same.
Please go HERE and read reply
#4. I believe that will help you get your e-mail settings set correctly.
Maybe you should close your email client and run Mail Protection Wizard from the Start Menu ???
What email client are you using?
Outlook 6
Outlook 6Do you mean Outlook Express 6???? or do you use Outlook (not Express)??? It makes a big difference. ;D
Outlook Express 6
Open OE, go to the account options and check if the pop3/smtp is set to
Yes it is.