no internet access , no email program function correctly

french message will follow

Hi everyone

since latest update ( 4.7 to 4.8) installed, i’ve a lot of problem.

  • no internet browser work. i’ve tried internet explorer and firefox. The only way is disable web shield.
    just a little note, msn work prefectly with web shield activate

  • With microsoft outlook, send and receive is always at 50%. The only way to send and receive email is to disable email in avast.

i’ve tred to uninstall with add and remove program avast and i uses to avast removal too from this site. i reboot and reload avast 4.8 and it’s the same problem.

i’m running vista home edition with service pack 1 and office 2007. i’ve try also to add some avast file in my windows firewall without any success.

what is the next step to resolve these problem

thanks a lot for your help and sorry for my poor english

Bonjour a tous

depuis la mise a jour de avast 4.7 a 4.8, j’éprouve d’énorme problem

je ne peux utiliser ni internet explorer, ni firefox. Il faut que j’arrête le service bouclier web de la console d’avast pour que ca fonctionne. Petite note, msn fonctionne a merveille avec ou sans bouclier web

Aussi, je ne peux envoyer et recevoir d’émail. outlook 2007 demeure a 50 %. Pour que ca fonctionne, je dois arreter le service courrier électronique de la console d’avast.

j’ai déinstaller avast par l’ajout et suppression de programme et j’ai ensuite utiliser l’outil de dé-installation sur ce site. j’ai redémarrer et ré-installer la version 4.8 sans succes.

j’utilise windows vista édition familliale service pack 1 et office 2007. j’ai également ajouter quelques processus dans le pare feu de windows et toujours aucune amélioration

Quel est l’étape suivante

Merci de votre aide et de votre collaboration. Désolé pour mon mauvais francais

Your English is not bad, we can understand each other.
It’s not easy to troubleshoot what you’re posting because it does not seem to be a firewall issue. Do you use any other security program?
Did you update from version 4.7?
Did you have any other antivirus in this computer before avast?


I have the same problem since the latest upgrade.

My internet browser doesn’t work (the name resolution is done but the page doesn’t display). In the same time, the FTP connection is good.

I stop the Web and Network Shields and the page appears in my internet browser.

System : Windows Vista Family Premium edition whitout SP1
Avast : Family Edition version 4.8.1169 (french)


are you using a firewall? If so, which one?

I’m also having this same problem (no Internet and email) since upgrading from the last 4.8 beta to the released version.
I’m running Vista Home Premium SP1 (Dutch), using the windows firewall.

One thing I notiched this morning while trying to collect email is that the email scan symbol in the taskbar stayed visible while Outlook just stops responding.
Often the problem disappears after 1-2 reboots.


Hi tech

i update from 4.7 to 4.8 first. Avast is the only antivirus software installed on this computer. I don’t use another firewall than the one release with vista.

i will disable the firewall to see what happen tonight. i will let you know result

thanks a lot and i’m happy to see other user with these problem. Question for other user. All program is in french or dutch version ( vista and avast )

Hi all,

Same problem here using Vista Ultimate SP1 US x86, Outlook 2007, Windows Firewall and Avast! … Since the 4.8 update, no Internet access without stopping the web shield, no mail check without stopping the email shield … and for the first time tonight, opening a windows session kept stuck at the Welcome message !

Booted in safe mode and uninstalled Avast! and now all is back as usual … Opening session, checking email using Outlook 2007 and surfing the web works fine …



Hi Tech,

Just the Windows Firewall.

Best regards.

Windows firewall does not manage outbound connections and it won’t interfere with avast.
Problem seems to be elsewhere. But it’s difficult to guess… maybe other security program, or spam killer.
Are you using GMail? Is Stunnel service running?

You should try to check “delay loading of avast! servives after other system services” in troubleshooting section.

It may give away the prob. In my case it perfectly works.

good luck!

I had similar problems, see “internet slows down to zero” now all seems to be back ok

J’ai le même problème depuis la dernière mise à jour (May2008 4.8.1201) avec Thunderbird.
Si je ne stoppe pas la vérification du courrier électronique, mes messages ne peuvent entrer même avec sensibilité normale.
Est-ce grave Docteur ?
Merci de votre aide.

In English (hope it’s ok)
I have the same problem since the last update (May2008 4.8.1201) with Thunderbird.
If I do not stop the e-mail verification, my message can’t come even with a normal sensitivity.
Thank you for your help
It’s serious Doctor ?

Michel, which is your operational system and firewall?