no Java in Control Panel

I am using Avast Free, XP3, and Java version 7 update 11. After installing the new update, a Java entry was initially in the Control Panel but now it is gone. Any ideas what is happening? Thanks

If you do not require Java to run essential programmes then I would uninstall it… It is an accident waiting to happen

Thanks for the advice. Some websites eg government require Java. If I uninstall it, would I still be able to login to those websites? I don’t understand about having it installed on my computer and being able to use it with Firefox.

It's easy to confuse Java and Javascript. However they are very distinct, and barely related programming languages. One does not require the other.

Javascript which many sites use (including this one), allow dynamic HTML webpages. You won’t find Javascript outside the browser.

Java is stand-alone programming language. It’s used to write applications outside the browser (although they can be linked). While Oracle boasts Java is installed on billions of devices, most personal computers probably don’t have applications that require it. If not, it’s best to uninstall Java.

For business the scenario Aristazi describes is all too common. A line-of-business application like a time clock requires Java. Because the application is not updated often, or at all, often an outdated and insecure version of Java is required.

I don’t have Java installed on any computers in my house, and it’s not going on any. If you do require Java, it’s best to unplig it from your browser. We have an article describing that here: http://www.geekstogo…ur-web-browser/

I should imagine they are using JavaScript which is a different animal to java ;D
Generally Java will be used to run programmes

I went into the Java Control Panel and unchecked the box that says “Enable Java Content in the browser”. I then went to the gov’t website and I was able to login OK. Does this mean that I do not need Java on my computer for these type of websites?
Here is the govt website url:

Thanks for the help.

That is running from javascript, as I do not have Java on my system and it worked quite nicely

So, I won’t have any trouble on websites if I remove Java from my computer. Is this right? I do not believe that I have any apps on the computer that need Java.

yes, most sites use Flash player or HTML 5 feature to work

Oracle releases security update for Java
Failure was so severe that the U.S. agency suggested uninstalling the software

I had the problem with no Java icon in the control panel with update 7.9. It was only resolved with a full uninstall and the use of Java removal tools and then a clean reinstall. I personally have not disabled Java yet and don’t plan to unless something actually rears it’s ugly head.

Thanks for the information.

I am just accessing the Java Control Panel from the Program files on C drive, so it is not a problem that it does not show up on the Windows Control Panel tab.

Just want another clarification: If I uncheck the box “Enable Java Content in the Browser” in the Java Control Panel, will this protect me from the Java problems on the web? I occassionally need Java on some websites, and then I could enable it just for that brief time.

Thank you

Yes, that will disable the Java browser plugin. You then will probably get a prompt from any site that needs it and be able to turn it back on.

Thank you for the clarification and help.