No option for free Grimefighter?

In the 3rd beta release, you could use GrimeFighter to clean your junk files and system settings. However, now that it is the release, I am unable to do that. When I select “Optimize My PC”, I am asked to purchase a license instead of selecting the free or paid version. How is this possible? Any help would be appreciated.

You are two versions behind.

I did not word it properly. I am running the latest version. 2015.10.0.2204

Well, i know i could access GrimeFighter in one of BETA’s, but now it’s like entirely gone. I can’t even see it in any menu even though i’ve installed it. Which is weird…

The latest avast version is 2015.10.0.2206 - so you are as mentioned two program updates behind - a manual program update should update to the latest version. Though I don’t know if that will resolve your particular issue, just bring you up to date.

avast 2015.10.0.2206
Windows XP sp3

Only things I found are
ais_cmp_grimefighter-7df.vpx in the avast setup folder
GrimeFighter.log (strangely enough dated today)

No trace of GrimeFighter in the avast ui, no exe or anything like that.

I updated and still there is no option. Guess avast! removed it under our noses. Not happy. Oh well, back to ccleaner I go. Thanks for the help.


It seems to be under Scan > Scan for Performance Issues

But… When you run it it offers no free option only the subscription.