No pop-up when scanning

NOTE: If I seem unusually angry, it’s because 99% of the time when I have a problem with anything the responses are from people who very obviously didn’t read a damn thing I wrote and I’m fed up with it.


Okay, so DO NOT send me some stupid link to something about silent mode. I’m sick and tired of people not reading and just sending links. READ the damn post and answer.

That said… when I turn on my computer (or reboot), the FIRST time I right-click and scan something, Avast will show a pop-up in the lower right-hand corner. BUT ONLY THAT ONE TIME!

After that, it NEVER shows that pop-up again and it USED TO AS RECENTLY AS YESTERDAY!

I’ve already tried a repair and predictably, it did nothing to help.

I want to know how to fix Avast and get it to show that pop-up (in the lower right-hand corner) when scanning a file.

Like I said before, DO NOT send me a link to some FAQ. That’s worthless and useless to me. I want answers, not lazy replies from people who can’t be bothered to read before typing.

Thank you.

This bug has already been reported many times, but apparently no one has been concerned about it and has not yet been fixed. Very unprofessional by Avast.

THANK YOU! You have no idea how much I appreciate the fact that you read the post, didn’t just slap down a link, and actually gave me useful information. :slight_smile: