No Purchase Confirmation or Registration Code

I hope this is in the right forum and if not, feel free to move it mods.

I’m looking for some help in my recent upgrade of Avast from the free version. I bought the most basic package as well as Grime however I have received neither a purchase confirmation nor serial code for activation. I have of course checked my Spam folder and it is completely empty.

To add further frustration to the mix, every time I try to register from the Account tab on the Avast programme it tells me that an email for confirmation has been sent but after 3 days or so I have still received nothing. Again, nothing is in Spam. I have had to set up a new account just to log onto the forums here to ask the question as no email appears to get through, even for a change of password.

Can anyone shed light on this and any possible work-arounds or parties to contact?

It could be you have made a typo in the email when buying the license.
See if you can retrieve the license here:

Or check your order status here:

Many thanks for the reply. Unforuntately there is no luck. As I said previously, nothing is in spam and as I don’t have the order number I cannot check.

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