No Right-Click Functionality from System Tray Icon

I have not been able to access the Richt-Click functions of the Avast Icon in the System Tray since I updated and Rebooted. Version is 2015.10.0.2208. Is this a new ‘feature’ or do I have a problem?

try avast repair

controlpanel > ad/remove programs > avast > uninstall/change > repair option …wait a minute and reboot

did that help?

Yup it did thanks

It’s strange, whilst the right click functions didn’t work, yesterday even the Alt+F4 didn’t close it either. Today the Alt+F4 works, but the right click functions still don’t work.

This was from a clean install to resolve a previous problem.

EDIT: A repair does resolve it though.

Now the inverse of this problem since the awful version 17 the first right click on the tray icon ALWAYS opens the user interface instead of presenting the context menu furthing increase the number of steps to complete a simple task. I’m assuming this was done for people who don’t know the difference between a left click and a right click. Any way to stop it?

And you think posting is 3 year dead thread is gonna help you ?
If you want help, start your own thread and provide details please.