What avast version are you using, avast 9.0.2013 is the latest ?
The 0 infected relates to the current session, if you reboot that is the start of a new session. So unless you have had an alert during the current session the 0 zero is correct.
Are you using webmail, viewed through your browser ?
If so that is monitored by the web shield.
If you aren’t using web mail as mentioned above.
What is your email program, e.g. thunderbird, etc. ?
I am with OSX and am having the same problem. I do not understand how to use mail shield - should it work automatically under normal circumstances, or do I need to prompt the mail shield in some way?
This looks like good information, thank you. My email is working, it is simply that I do not know how to activate the mail shield. The same is true for all the shields, file system and web shield, too. I do not know how to use them.
I followed your instructions to get to the option to uncheck the “Enable IPv6” but, since I am able to use email and unable to use the mail shield, I decided to wait and seek further advice before potentially sending myself down a hole…