No sound for Avast under Windows 7


I installed Windows 7 (Technet) but since this installation, Avast is never playing any sound (UPS update, virus detection,…). I noticed that Avast sounds are not appearing when I click on the task bar on the icon sound options. Only windows sounds are proposed.

Is it an Avast bug under Windows 7 ? How to enable sounds to come again like under Vista ?

Is this bug will be corrected soon ?



Already discussed:

Found with Search.

Hi, Thanks for your answer but I don’t know how to set up sounds for Avast.

Previously, I uninstall and reinstall again Avast and It works but the problem comes again and I am fed up to uninstall and reinstall again.

Please help.


Hi Falcon,

Take a look at this post:

That is for vista, so it may be a little different, but should help some.


Falcon, are you using avast 5.0.104 Beta? Or the version 4.8?

I have same problem with official Windows 7 64 bit Home edition. No sound with Avast and if I go and assign the sounds in Windows they work but as soon as I reboot Avast does not have any sounds anymore.

Does anyone have any clue? I have version 4.8.1356

