No sound on reg skin or LCARS skin.

I have a copy of WIN7 RC. I did a clean install 3 weeks ago, including AVAST. I have no sound on the skin, both the reg skin and the LCARS skin (my fav!).

From the MENU>SETTINGS>SOUNDS(enabled)>SETTINGS>VPS update>TEST,nothing, no sound.

From the same page,BROWSE>C DRIVE>PROGRAM FILES>ALWIL>AVAST4>ENGLISH>VPSUPD>OPEN>APPLY>TEST,nothing, and this is for the reg skin, not the LCARS, that I so much prefer. What am I doing wrong? ???

Man I won’t worry that much about skins… in one month or two we will have avast 5 that won’t be skinable…

NO skins? at all??? :cry: Lots of people will be screaming for the LCARS skin!!! >:(

Well… no skins at all… there are screenshots of the new interface in avast blog and here in forums.

Welcome AU4U

I noticed no sounds on Windows 7 so I had to go looking for the avast! sounds.

In avast! Settings go to Sounds then scroll down to avast! antivirus then go to C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ENGLISH Folder to set up each of the individual sounds worked for me.

I like Black Vibe skin myself but the new look of V5 is much better.

I have done the sounds allocation, can’t get it to work. Reread my 1st post and tell me if I did something wrong.

What Theme do you have installed?

Do you get sounds from system events?

No sound what so ever, not even the update pop up. If I go into system sounds, and manually play the sound using WMP or VLC, it plays. Is this a mute point? Is the new build not going to have any sounds, for even the VPS update?

Sorry, HAD ‘LCARS’, reverted back to the original skin. No sound from it, not even from the VPS update pop up.

Program Settings>Sounds>sounds enabled/Settings…>Automatic VPS update>Test,nothing!

From the Sounds Page,Browse…>Program Files>Alwil Software>Avast4>English>vpsud>Open>Test,nothing,???