Hi have the lastest avast 4 now when I receive my updates the voice dont work that said Your virus data dase has been updates all else works fine sound is not ticked I checked any ideas please.
Thank you for your time and help.
Simple questions, are your speakers on & do other sounds work?
Try going into Settings–Control Panel–Sounds and down to avast! antivirus & playing the sounds from there to see if they work.
??? hi yes sound is no, yes other sound work, when to setting-control panel-sounds- than down to avast antivirus but under each program event there was no sound file so can any one help with this problem please.
The sounds are located within the subfolders of the avast installation directory. Do a search for vpsupd.wav on your computer. All the avast sound files are located within the same folder.
From Settings-Contol Panel-Sounds browse to that folder & setup the sounds for each event.
My nice avast sound is lost, and i,m not found where is gone. Only play one sound, but evey another sounds working normally. So tell me please how i get back my avast sounds?
Tell you the truth i have no idea how you get those original sounds back(other than reinstalling avast!) but i found this thread where SZC posted a direct download link to his “alternative” avast sounds. Here’s the link http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=18227.msg155151#msg155151
Thanks very much, i download that diffrend sounds it,s very nice sound, so no need to uninstall and install again. I think CCleaner delete that orginal files because i try search but not found, so cannot trust any cleaner program or be allways carefully to use it. ;D
Can you try to repair your installation?
Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > avast! antivirus > Remove. Then choose Repair function in the popup window (Repair). You must be connected to the internet while repairing.
If this does not help, well, the best will be uninstall / boot / install / boot again…