Hi My Name is Rigo:
And I just installed Avast and with the result that there is no sound at all, some of the software say, is not way to get trough your sound card or something like that, and if I uninstall Avast , there is the sound!again.
is any of you that had this kind of problem? and how can i fixe it? now I have installed it on my win98 2nd edition pIII 550
Chavarin: Welcome to the avast! forum. I am not aware of avast causing a sound card problem. Try uninstalling and reinstalling avast to see if that solves problem. Next time you post please add info on what other security programs you are running so we can help narrow down the problem. Please tell us exactly what the error message is. If you have a problem translating the error screen to english, tell us what it says in your language, someone here should be able to translate. Glad to have you aboard.
I have installed avast on a Win98SE system with no problem. I did have a Windows update kill the sound however.
Strange… what soundcard is it? (and what version of drivers, if there are more of them)?
Does it help if you reinstall soundcard drivers after installing avast?
Did you know it takes less than 20 minutes of online activity to infect your system? With your described computer usage, do you ever have an updated version of Avast!?
Chavarin: Help us help you here. Don’t give up on avast! You need a good anti-virus on your machine if you are on-line. Going without is not an option any of us should choose. It almost guarantees a trip to the computer shop. check out this thread at annoyances.com: http://www.annoyances.org/exec/forum/win98/t1093739813 it might help you out. You might have a corrupted driver file. The repair is probably right in your computer. If you need a walk through on troubleshooting your sound problem we will help.