Windows 8 was released almost 6 days ago and there is no definitive answer nor clues to the serious flaws in this program (or suite if you will) I see what I bought wasn’t worth a tinkers damn and it has no support nor morals … sign me very disappointed I will never sell your crap again. to all I recommended it to I am sorry I was wrong .
ok…and what is your problem?
and the very lately proffered update has the same flaw and the same error.Good game guys… I did not pay for a product to be a beta tester and I will no longer be using this one. Thank you for well 2 out of 3 years of a subscription and ps … Hire some programmers…
you still have not told us what the problem is…
and you may contact avast for a money back…
no question nor description of problem → no aswers
We are hiring -
Is it an answer? -
I have not even seen avast! mentioned. ???