No update but Avast needs restart?

Earlier today when I turned on my computer I noticed a taskbar button with the Avast icon. I clicked on it several times but nothing happened.

I then opened the Avast User Interface hoping to discover what this was about, and saw that a restart was required. I had already downloaded the latest update in the beginning of May and rebooted back then to complete the installation.

Still, I went ahead and restarted the computer. After the restart, seemingly nothing had changed. The version number seemed to be the same, and looking at this forum, no new update had been released. Besides, I had Avast set to ask me before downloading a new update.

I thought the only two cases in which Avast required a restart was after installing a new update, and if a boot time scan was necessary?
Is there any log I can check to perhaps clarify what was the cause of this?

There have been multiple updates since early may.
They where delivered as micro fixes.

I see. But normally I’m only prompted to reboot when there is a new program update, and the version is still 17.4.2294. Until know, I’ve only ever had Avast ask me to reboot after I had manually clicked the update button. This just seemed to happen “out of nowhere”.

Micro-fixes are program updates delivered with a VPS update.
You don’t see them, but sometimes a reboot is required for them to take effect.

There will no change in the version/build number as they are micro.

Aha, okay. Odd that I haven’t experienced it before, or maybe I’ve just forgotten. Anyway, thank you for the explanation, I’ll stop worrying for now.