No update notification

Avast! updated me from 120918-2 to 120919-1 a few moments ago when I started up, but I got no notification. Did anyone else have this? I presume it was just a benign glitch.

Perhaps you turned them off by mistake?

Check the settings for this.

Nope, the update settings still say to notify me. I will assume it is a glitch. I will check it out in the morning tomorrow to see if it happens again with 120920-0.

Anyone else have this issue?

I didn’t get a scan complete sound notice after my quick scan finished. Something weird is going on.

You don’t happen to have enabled silent/gaming mode ?

it was on, but I wasn’t playing any game. I’ve turned it off and I have done two quick scans since and the sounds came back.

In the morning, I’ll listen for the next update notification

The fact that you aren’t playing a game doesn’t matter as you have set it to ‘silent/gaming’ mode and that is the effect.

The other option which is enabled by default automatically detects when you are using full screen mode (normally for gaming). This applies gaming mode selectively, when there is no full screen application running it drops back to normal mode.

I got the notification noise this morning, so all seems well now.


You’re welcome.