No Update Pop-up or Voice Advice

I recently upgraded to Version 2015.10.0.2208

Since the update I am NOT receiving and automatic advice (either Voice or Pop-Up) that the Virus definations have been updated.

All the Pop-up and Voice Settings are “ticked” …but don’t appear to have any effect.

Any suggestions please?..\\

Yes, search before posting.
This has already been explained.
It was removed from version 2015.

I did “search” ‘O Smart One’… I am 76 years of age and have been using Forums for the past 25 odd years. I know the procedure!!!

I obviously used the wrong search terms. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I will “search” again and see if I can find the 'Post" you refer to.

You could have saved me the time and made life easier…\

No auto update notifications in avast 2015 - see

You are right, there is a huge amount of information on these forums and finding the right search term to filter the information is a bit of an art.

Thanks DavidR…assist muchly appreciated.


There are some that hope this notification/voice popup is brought back as it used to be. ;D

I certainly hope they are. Streaming updates are all very well. but my computer is NOT turned on 24 hours a day.

I understand any streaming “updates” not received when my computer is turned off are not repeated when the computer is turned on. I rely on the once or twice daily update to keep my virus definations current

I opt to “tick” the appropriate box in the “Settings” area and allow that daily update to take place automatically. I like to see\hear the pop up and voice advice that the update has taken place.

It seems a biy silly to me for Avast to deny my this facility, yet still allow display of the options to activate the advices in the Avast Settings.

I trust Avast staff will revive this decision in the next program update…\

You’re welcome.