I have a Windows Paid Avast and latest update on virus definitions are 130810-1
On my iMac it shows 1308500 and if I go manually it says “you are up to date” eeekkk what’s going on?
why? :o
Why? Because this morning Windows Avast shows 130811-0 which 11-0 shows Aug 11th and the 0 is the first update of the day.
My iMac still shows 13080500 which means the update was Aug 05 and 00 means the first update of the day, therefore my iMac has not had Virus Updates since Aug 5th. If I go a manual update it says I am up to date. Does this mean no updates since Aug 5th???
I have noticed this too - my last update for Avast for Mac is 13080500.
Why have there been no definition updates since the 5th of August?!
What’s up
I’ve already sent a report to support staff, asking them whether it is normal or not.
Now the problem is fixed. Avast! updated its virus database successfully.
Thank you so much, avast! support staff!
Mine has updated too.
Hmm. I wonder if they have switched to weekly updates?
I’m wondering myself what’s going on with the updates. Currently, I have the free Avast antivirus and it says the following:
Current version: 130509-0
Release date: 5/9/2013 4:53:27 AM
Last update attempt: 8/12/2013 4:03:44 PM
Streaming updates: Enabled
Connection: Connection established
Latest update received: 8/12/2013 5:17:45 PM
Does this mean the program is updating? I’m assuming it is but I could be wrong too. If someone can reply back and let me know for certain, it would be greatly appreciated
Hi there,
You seem to be on the Mac site. I have Avast for Windows as well and what you show seems to be not up to date.
Make sure you have not exceeded your “free time” and it has expired! Then download the free one for Windows, good luck.
Thanks for the reply I think I downloaded the free version for Windows and I just registered it the other day so my free time wouldn’t have expired just yet. I have a whole year before that happens. So, how can I tell if I downloaded the Windows version of the software? I downloaded this from the Avast website so I assumed it was the Windows version. I just got off the phone with customer support by the way and I was told my software is up to date so all is well
Thanks again for the reply
Well, mine has updated a couple of times since then, so it’s back to normal.
So… why did we have a whole week with no updates?
There was a problem with the (mac) download servers. The virus definitions were and still are updated
Hi Tumic,
Thanks for letting us know what is going on. I notice on this forum that a lot of questions are never answered at all and the replies are “0”
One week seems like a long time when I get at least 2 every day on my Windows Box… It would be nice if Avast “looked after” their OS X users as well.
we have introduced an automatic test to prevent such an issue in the future.
Thank you for the notification