no user rights



i’m having the following error message:

21.04.2004 07:36:21 general: Started: 21.04.2004,
21.04.2004 07:36:21 general: Running setup_av_pro-165
21.04.2004 07:36:21 system: Operating system:
WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 1.0 [Service Pack 1]
21.04.2004 07:36:21 system: Computer WinName: XXXXX
21.04.2004 07:36:21 system: Windows Net User:
MARIO\mario coucke
21.04.2004 07:36:21 general: Cmdline: /downloadpkgs
/noreboot /updatevps /silent /progress
21.04.2004 07:36:21 general: DldSrc set to inet
21.04.2004 07:36:21 general: Operation set to
21.04.2004 07:36:21 general: Old version: 165 (357)
21.04.2004 07:36:21 general: SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled
set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
21.04.2004 07:36:22 system: Computer DnsName: XXXX
21.04.2004 07:36:22 system: Computer Ip Addr:
21.04.2004 07:36:22 internet: SYNCER: Type: -1
21.04.2004 07:36:22 internet: SYNCER: Auth: 0
21.04.2004 07:36:22 package: Part prg_av_pro-165 is
21.04.2004 07:36:22 package: Part vps-41700 is
21.04.2004 07:36:22 package: Part news-3c is installed
21.04.2004 07:36:22 package: Part setup_av_pro-165 is
21.04.2004 07:36:22 general: Old version: 165 (357)
21.04.2004 07:36:22 registry: ERROR!:Cannot access
error code: 0x00000002
21.04.2004 07:36:22 general: Err:Not enough user
rights to continue.
21.04.2004 07:36:22 general: errordlg: 375,103

Can somebody help please, I don’t have enought user rights?

Ths & ltrz

You need to be logged on as administrator to install the program. Are you?

the program is already installed !! so I don’t think it can be that.

Are both avast! services running?

The update clearly runs under account of MARIO/mario coucke - if such user doesn’t have administrator rights, it won’t work. But the update service should impersonate the LocalSystem account.

I’ve been using avast pro since 1 month and it’s the
first time that I have this message. Recently I installed Process guard Free for testing, can this be the origin?


Probably. What ‘service’ did you protect with Process Guard?

I looked in the log of Process Guard and it
was actually blocking a “test service”??? whatever
this is with only DCSProcessguard service protecting.
I uninstalled PG and everything is working fine now.
I suppose this is some kind of bug. As I like very much
Avast Ive decided to throw away ProcessGuard (nice prog
as well) Too bad


You don’t have to throw it away. I’m using - right now - both applications. They are fully compatible.
If you use the free version of Process Guard, please, see that you must have only two services protected:

pg_msgprot.exe blocked for write, setinfo, terminate and suspend.
ashserv.exe (the avast service) blocked for write, setinfo, terminate and suspend either.

Hope this help :wink: