I’ve downloaded and installed the german avast-home today and noticed that there was no VRDB-icon. Also there was no option to split the icons at the avast-icon.
So I did an uninstall/reboot/install/reboot but again there’s no VRDB-generator. What’s wrong here? Checked avast with the eicar-testfile and it’s working, but no VRDB.
Also after each reboot the tooltips of the avast-icon is showing again.
Thank you Joshua - but I’m quite sure that there was no such option. I looked really carefully and did also wear my eyeglasses
Don’t know what’s going on here ???
It may just be hidden because it is an inactive icon, check for hidden icons.
The two avast icons can’t merge without having user input, so if you didn’t do that then the ‘split to two icons (avast and VRDB)’ option shouldn’t be available.
DavidR, call me crazy, but in XP if there are hidden icons shouldn’t there be the “<<”-symbol next to the unhidden ones? This was not there.
I think it’s impossible that the VRDB-part was not even installed and the icon is therefore missing?
Yes there should, but perhaps there is a setting in the right click the Start button, Properties, uncheck Hide inactive icons. Or you could click the customize button, and click Restore Defaults and see if that too restores the arrow for hidden icons.
Checked my mothers PC today, no hidden icons (option to hide icons was allready unchecked) and really no VRDB icon, also not merged with the avast icon.
So I opened the avast.ini file but there was no [VRDB] section.
Created the section and added “ShowTaskbarIcon=1”, then rebooted and voila - there was the icon
Don’t know why this happend on this PC, because on my own ones this icon was always there ???
These are the options in mine and as you can see there is no mention of ShowTaskbarIcon=1, this is because this is a default value. Ignore the value for FullComplete= as that relates to when I last did a scan.
So something was/is wrong with your installation, this may be why your avast4.ini appears incomplete. If you check the [VRDB] section in your own you will see something like the above.
Since there is a doubt about your mother’s installation it may be best to reinstall it. But ensure the avast4.ini is gone along with any possible remnants.
Download the avast! Uninstall Utility, find it here and save it to your HDD so you can find it later.
Then uninstall, reboot, run the uninstall utility, reboot, install, reboot.
Thank you DavidR for your reply.
I know that for normal there is no ShowTaskbarIcon within the VRDB section of avast.ini. But since I found this value in the list of possible ini-settings I decided to give it a try - and it worked. This value is gone now btw.
My own avast.ini looks just like yours and also on my mothers PC after my modification the VRDB section looks like mine/yours now.
Uninstall and reinstall didn’t fix the problem, I already tried this before.
But after this little trick everything is working now. The mystery is just why there was no VRDB section from the beginning…