Hi Me Again
I just ran an email check on Avast using this site http://www.gfi.com/emailsecuritytest/
It sends out some dummy mails & the EICAR test virus 2 test Ur protection, before i always got warning sounds & the voice sayin Warning threat detected(or somethin similar)but this time i got no sopunds at all, i tested it 3 times & not a peep, it detected the mails & the files & brought up the warning dialog box, but no sounds
I looked in the Avast folder & the is no wav files there or in the media folder in windows folder
I did post earlier with a problem with the program not startin due 2 not loadin the skin file, found out it was down 2 a corrupt regsvr.exe file(got that sorted thanks 2 the great help from Vlk)
Im just wonderin if that could be the cause of the loss of the warning sounds(i still get the clickin noise when i move the mouse onve the options in the Avast main window)
Or have the sounds been removed in the latest update(229)I really liked the warnings sounds as an audio que is a good idea
BaNzI :o
PS Every time i run the simple interface, i keep gettin the help box appearin even though i check the Don’t display this again ???