No way to have avast client activated

hi, you first helped me fine with this 0 to 1 change to perform but i still have another problem now and though i looked everywhere through your faq database i couldn’t solve it.
I performed the task to discover clients, worked fine, push the updates all by themselves, works fine too.

BUT, all of my computer clients have no access to the avast icon (red cross in the task bar) and have the on access scanner desactivated.

I modified the computer group “policy” and right clicked to activate it, assigned it on accessmade the RPC service automatic on clients, verified my avast service was active at startup, each time that clients log in they have those events in the event viewer

Type de l’événement : Informations
Source de l’événement : avast!
Catégorie de l’événement : Client
ID de l’événement : 90
Date : 20/06/2005
Heure : 15:38:00
Utilisateur : N/A
Ordinateur : toto-WS-003
Description :
CClient::PopupThread - GetConnection failed!

Type de l’événement : Erreur
Source de l’événement : avast!
Catégorie de l’événement : Client
ID de l’événement : 90
Date : 20/06/2005
Heure : 15:38:00
Utilisateur : N/A
Ordinateur : toto-WS-003
Description :
Cannot connect Server lookup didn’t find any AMS’! socket, WinSock error 0x00000000 has occurred.

Type de l’événement : Erreur
Source de l’événement : avast!
Catégorie de l’événement : Client
ID de l’événement : 90
Date : 20/06/2005
Heure : 15:37:55
Utilisateur : N/A
Ordinateur : toto-WS-003
Description :
Cannot connect Third server conn attempt (last good: failed. socket, WinSock error 0x00002751 has occurred.

Type de l’événement : Erreur
Source de l’événement : avast!
Catégorie de l’événement : Client
ID de l’événement : 90
Date : 20/06/2005
Heure : 15:22:48
Utilisateur : N/A
Ordinateur : toto-WS-003
Description :
Unable to check avast! Antivirus service to be running, error s has occured

Type de l’événement : Erreur
Source de l’événement : avast!
Catégorie de l’événement : Client
ID de l’événement : 90
Date : 20/06/2005
Heure : 13:35:40
Utilisateur : N/A
Ordinateur : toto-WS-003
Description :
Cannot connect avastms conn attempt failed, LastSrv ( OK. socket, WinSock error 0x00000000 has occurred.

Type de l’événement : Erreur
Source de l’événement : avast!
Catégorie de l’événement : Client
ID de l’événement : 90
Date : 20/06/2005
Heure : 13:26:14
Utilisateur : N/A
Ordinateur : toto-WS-003
Description :
Unable to start avast! Antivirus service, error 0000042D has occured

I DESPERATLY NEED HELP NOW ! DON’T KNOW where to look anymore…


  1. Is the correct address of the AMS? (I doubt it, this looks like an unsuccessful DNS query forced address…)
  2. Is the “avast antivirus” service running on the client(s)? If not, is it possible to start it?


Hi guy
Sure this is the address of my internal network, and i change the port in the avast! ini setting as it was set on 6011 before.

What is running on the clients is the “Avast net agent”. No avast anti virus, and it’s called in the start menu avast managed.

I can access the avast menu in the task bar, but if i double click to launch resident protection, it says rpc error though rpc is activated in the services.

ON ALL my managed computers.


So there’s not “avast Antivirus” service installed on the machines whatsoever?
I mean in Administrative Tools → Services.

Was this a clean install of avast or an upgrade from e.g. avast Pro?


No, there is not.

1/ first those machines had the avast antivirus client installed.

Then I installed the server and it’s written somewhere that you don’t need to uninstall the client, so i didn’t

2/ BUT, i dit it back from the whole beginning for that machine i’m testing. Uninstall in add/remove programs, then push the install from the server, and i only have the Avast net agent
that has been installed.

i’m all mixed up now ! pfffffffff


Was there a reboot between the manual uninstall and the PUSH install? (the uninstaller GUI probably asked for one)

Also, please send the file \setup\setup.log to, together with a link to this thread.

Thanks :slight_smile: