No Web Browser Access Any Website With the Web Shield On

I have a similar problem with Avast 5 to those on several threads, like
or Only the sites listed on Expert Settings –> Exclusions can be accessed. I just couldn’t find any file at c:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\avast.setup, as mentioned on one of the threads. This Setup folder is empty with only one empty folder (INF).

I tried what I read on the threads, but no chance. It is the same with FF 3.6, IE8 or Chrome. I think the problem is related to some malfunction between Avast 5 and the firewall because Filezilla and Cobian Backup work fine, but I don’t what or where. Outlook 2007 has a similar issue; it sends mail maybe because I set the app not to scan outward mail, but it does not receive without turning the Mail Shield Off.

I deleted the firewall exceptions, but it didn’t ask again.

I use the built in firewall on Windows 7 only.
I also have Malwarebytes and Windows Defender.
This happened only after updating to 5.0.661.


I solved the problem. I post it here because in my case it was simple and may help others. I uninstalled Avast using aswclear5.exe, and before reinstalling I cleaned all registry keys and strings referring to Avast. After it was OK, and I just replaced the settings with my own, saved before the issue.

It is good that you got it sorted out. :slight_smile:

Just upgraded Avast Pro 5.0 594 t0 667. Now I can’t use any browsers “Error 101”. Disable AVAST then internet is fine. Guess from now on I can only use AVAST 5.0 pro as my sandbox. It is really disappointed since I have uninstalled and clean out with CCleaner (remove registry regarding to Avast) and reinstalled Avast Pro 5.0. Problem is still the same. It is weird that I can log on Google Voice but no other websites.

Avira is my protector while I am on the internet and Avast SandBox is working fine.

It sounds like you have two resident AV’s installed on your machine…Avira and Avast. Is that correct? Disabling something is not the same as uninstalling it when it comes to an AV product. This can cause instability, errors, or FP’s. Can you clarify what you have in your machine for security software now, including AV and FW?

Try to remove it and before reinstalling clean up with aswClear5.exe from here:
I don’t know it it will work, but with two identical AVs it is almost sure that you will get into problems.

Aside from the obvious points already made about running two resident AVs is one too many.

The most common cause of this is a firewall blocking the changed components after a program update:
What is your firewall ?
Does it allow avastSvc.exe internet access ?

  • If it does delete the entry for it and reconnect to the internet, this should force the firewall to ask permission again.

Hello - My first post here.
On this same topic - this has happened to me a number of times on different systems.
I have no other AV or firewall enabled.
Problem only solved by disabling web shield
Not a problem with Avast 4.8 only newer.
Mostly XP but I think a Vista system too.
Hoping someone has some other thoughts or registry settings since the regcleaning seemed to help in some cases.
I will check back.