After installing avast - and the subsequent reboot - I lost my wireless networking.
I’ve since uninstalled the product but still cannot connect.
Anyone got a fix for this?
Did you also install the latest MS update ? As that caused me to lose my drivers for the USB wireless. I just re-installed the drivers
The machine is a brand new - literally out of the box - fully patched machine; SP3, et al.
I’ve had to go back and perform a sfc and re-apply patches.
Never had an issue with avast before so reluctant to move to avg or other, so will give avast another chance.
Maybe but the patch that came down from MS the other day may have caused that
Unlikely, as I’ve rebooted and connected wirelessly to the AP serveral times since the last MS update with no issues. The problem manifested itself for the first time immediately after the reboot post avast install.
Which was your old antivirus? How did you uninstall it?
Which is your firewall?