Guys, my computer has infected with ransomware and all the files are locked by the named “WRUI”.
When will Avast provide the WRUI File Decryptor to us???
It seems that the infection rate is increasing dramatically…
Please help, thank you very much
May 4, 2021, 9:14am
not support WRUI file decryption
Not work, Dr. Web said it is impossible to recover the file with .wrui encryption at this moment because no online key till now.
May 5, 2021, 6:29am
No backups…!? If so, you can only wait and hope for a future decryptor…
Hi tonyyu1009,
There is one for particular keys - works automattically, but sometimes works only for files encrypted with offline key.
Download STOP Djvu Decryptor from EmsiSoft (.wrui variations).
I have tried before, not work :-[ :-[
no backups man
It is my fault
I have lots of valuable photos in the hard-disk, i cried for a while when i noticed the files are encrypted by hacker
How can they do that
At a very early stage it may be possible to get to the encryption key, not at a later stage.
How you got infested?
hidden installation along with other apps, especially the utilities that work as freeware or shareware;
dubious link in spam emails leading to the virus installer
online free hosting resources;
using illegal peer-to-peer (P2P) resources for downloading pirated software.