NOD32 Internet Monitor vs Avast WebShield

Can someone state the difference in protection/difference in technique between NOD32’s Web Scanner (IMON) and Avast’s WebShield?

As far I know… they’re equivalent: http traffic scanning using a local proxy (the scanner). :wink:
Well, I’ve tested NOD32 a long time ago…

No, they aren’t equivalent. Web Shield is WAY faster and has WAY less problems than IMON.

IMON is a WinSock LSP (Layered Service Provider) while WebShield uses a different architecture (a combination of a kernel-mode TDI filter driver + a user mode scannning service).

LSP’s traditionally tend to have many issues, especially compatibility related issues. Our technology is quite unique (I’m not aware of any other product using a similar trick) and is quite problem-free…

Sorry… wrong guesses… :-[

quite problem-free

Hey I’m very interested now! :slight_smile:
Well then can you tell me what is the difference between avast webshield and kaspersky’s Web-antivirus ???

I would say RejZoR’s comment followed by Vlk’s covers it, we think ours is better ;D

I think (but am not sure) that the web scanner in KAV 6 is quite similar to avast’s webshield. I don’t know if it has the “intelligent stream scan” feature though which makes browing with avast WebShield quite fast…

What are you keeping to avast 5 version? ;D