Non commercial licence? Mobile Security & Antivirus

Hello at all,

today i bought a 1-year-licence for Mobile Security & Antivirus.
After this, i checked my Avast Account (German) and it´s tell me
that i have no commercial licence.
Is this right or a “bug”?


PS sorry for my english. It´s not my naturally language. :o

Sorry. At this moment i see this is the beta forum. Please move it to the right forum. Thanks.


I’m sorry for your troubles. seems that for some users, the premium status isn’t accepted by the portal.
I can fix this - but I need to ask you to send me two informations please (to

  1. the google order number (should look something like this: 14599763169054705758.1360613239163290)
  2. your device ID. to get it, please log into and select your device. The adressbar should look like this now:
    Please copy and paste your adressbar as it contains the device ID.

thank you for taking your time to help me fix this!


Hello Werner,

thanks for your fast response.
I sent you the mail with the data


Hallo Werner,

did you get my informations?

Hello Werner,

no new news?

Does your problem persist?

Hello Jan,

sorry for my late answer. :cry:

From end of September 2013 to January 2014 it seems to be ok.
But yesterday, i updated to Cyanogenmod 11, my licence in Avast Account ist lost.

“There are no commercial licenses yet.”

Same Problem?

Please take also a look in this thread.

Ok, let us keep it in mentioned thread, I sent it to responsible persons…