Normal or high?

Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum, and would like to thank you all for the many useful threads …
Just a quick question: what are the ups and downs by selecting high mode instead of normal (shields) on Avast Pro?
I am a light surfer, no p2p programs etc. (using a company laptop) - with a trial version of Pro -


I’d say “normal” is enough. “High” is paranoid mode. The help file within avast has all the details you need :wink:

It’s a meather of taste and how it runs on your computer… I run “high” and feel no difference in peformance :slight_smile:

Ok, thank you very much :wink:
Will leave it in Normal mode …


It also depends on how at risk your computer is. For example, someone on broadband and P2P would probably have it set to high. But someone on dial-up and only uses the internet to check their emails, would probably have it on normal.

If you connect your company laptop to connect to different networks, then it would be advisable to have avast! set to high

Actuary, if you were checking your mail, you would probably want to have it on ‘High’, as quite a few very nasty virus/worms come though Email.
