Norton Impacting avast

Hi folks:

I’m new to Avast (installed it this past weekend) and need some help 1) interpreting the message below, and 2) learning what I need to do turn off/modify Norton per this message to make Avast work.

I’m running XP Pro. and have Norton Antivirus and Norton Internet Security installed. I’ve disabled Norton Antivirus but my Norton firewall is active.

The Avast message that appears when I start a session is, “initialization error: Standard Shield provider: cannot start because ‘Norton Antivirus / Symantec Antivirus’ is active!”

Thanks for your help!

Remove Norton. Having two different av’s on one system are almost always conflicting.

Like Eddy said, better will be NAV uninstall to get avast working.
You can let the firewall… at least, in theory :stuck_out_tongue: