[b]Avast are here to rescue our dignity. I discovered this best software and on my opinion is an Award, about my different friends and they doesn’t know one-to-one. They said me that the best anti virus is avast.
A few times, I used Norton by Symantec, and I never like it because it’s library and a lot of dirt thing that is installed on my machine, register and etc…[/b]
[b]Avast is the best software of actuality and never fail in detections of unknown viruses that others antivirus doesn’t can detect.
Avast is the best of the best.
Luiz Lima ;D
i agree with free_eagle that avast is the best antivirus but the only problem is that its virus
defination are updated in two or three days . avast should be updated everyday like kaspersky and nod32 just a suggestion 
Thank you for your reply.
I understand that you say, but when have update automatically. Avast is updated two times a day or more. That’s a fact, because while Avast enterprise insert new data the antivirus, send a ping to server and automatically is authenticated and updated. A few times, my avast doesn’t update. It’s normal and advantageous! Think: How long time do you need for update Norton? A few minutes right! Well… After Norton’s updated your machine is restarted. With Avast isn’t necessary all operation.
Luiz Lima[/b]
Luiz, just speak Portuguese with me ;D
Finalmente um verdadeiro usuário brasileiro 8)
To the others, we must speak English.
You’re right, avast has the best updating feature of all the others…
Wellcome to forums!
Eu nunca poderia imaginar encontrar brasileiro aqui!
O avast é o melhor software do mundo e se aplica a técnicos que detém o conhecimento para isso. Em nosso país, usuários comuns nào tem conhecimentos para isso e não tem condições para escolher e testar diversos programas de segurança. Muitos técnicos conseguem mais informações sobre teste com estes softwares.
Luiz Lima[/i]------------------------------------------------------------------
[b]I never imagined brazilians here!
Avast is the best of world antivirus, that applied technicians that have know how for it.
Our country, persons without know how, doesn’t have conditions to choose and to test different safety software. A most technicians, get more information about tests with this software.
Luiz Lima[/b]
Welcome to the forums, free_eagle! 
And thanks to you & Technical for the translations…otherwise, I’d be lost! 
Yes, I agree that the automatic updates (which are very fast even on my 56k dialup) are one of the best features of avast! and no reboots to the system are needed!! 
Welcome to the forums, free_eagle! 
Once upon a time, I used Norton … once was enough! 
And thanks to you & Technical for the translations…otherwise, I’d be lost! 
Yes, I agree that the automatic updates (which are very fast even on my 56k dialup) are one of the best features of avast! and no reboots to the system are needed!! 
Thank you for your e-mail.
I have a revolutionary idea.
A few features can be added on Avast Antivirus. One is a directory for the user insert archives that are detected for firewalls. If a suspicious archive is unknown for Avast, and the advanced user detect and add on the suspicious directory. In future connections and sites that content any virus, detected by advanced user, will be blocked and deleted automatically without Avast enterprise updated.
Is important that on this directory, have an optional menu, for upload to Avast server. ;D
Luiz Lima
System consultant and services & products[/b]
Algumas características podem ser adicionadas no Avast. Em um diretório o usuário poderá inserir arquivos que são detectados por firewalls. Se um arquivo suspeito não for conhecido pelo avast e o usuário experiente detectar, adicionará no diretório de arquivos suspeitos. Nas conexões futuras, mesmo em sites contaminados, do qual o mesmo vírus suspeito foi detectado anteriormente pelo usuário e inserido no avast, o arquivo será bloqueado e deletado automaticamente mesmo sem a atualização da empresa que fabrica o Avast.
É muito importante que nesse diretório, tenha um menu opcional, para atualização e envio de arquivo para o servidor do avast. ;D
Luiz Lima
Consultor de sistemas e melhoria de produtos[/i]