
I had a little trouble with my Avast last week and my browser has been closing mysteriously so I did a AVG anti-spyware scan on my VHP computer and this came up as high risk and as “ignored.” When I google Not-A-Virus.ExploitByteVerify I get conflicting info. There is one removal tool but it doesn’t work on Vista. Does anyone have a moment to advise me? Grateful for any help you can offer.

In addition, when I tried to scan with Avast tonight, I get a message “initializing engine, please wait” but it never scans.

To me the malware name is a crock, I don’t see how it can be not a virus and an exploit at the same time.

The byte verify exploit is usually related to an old version of JAVA so it is important to ensure you have the latest version of JRE (JAVA Runtime Environment) because older versions can be vulnerable to malware. First remove All Older Versions From Add/Remove Programs.

Then get the latest update from here

Or JRE version 6 update 6

Once you have done this, it would probably be a good idea visit which can scan your system to ensure it is up to date security wise. It requires JAVA to do so.

What version of avast are you using (4.8.1169 is the latest regular release), what VPS version (latest 080508-0) ?

Thank you for responding, David. I have the latest Avast version and VPS. I downloaded the new Java version but didn’t delete the old. Should I uninstall and re-install the Java first?

Better uninstalling old Java before.
If you haven’t done, do it know and keep only the last version.

Old Java uninstalled, did the scan and updated new and deleted old Flash Player. Rescanned and all is well. What happened to the Not-A-Virus? Did the new Java remove it? I don’t miss it, just curious. Many thanks to you!

The scanner may have been detecting the exploit in the old java.

A couple of more things you should do when uninstalling old java.

Please look carefully, so you don’t delete the new one you just installed.

In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files[b]Java[/b] <=this folder, if found. Delete any subfolders it may contain.

Do NOT delete jre1.6.0_06 if found!
Do NOT delete C:\Program Files[b]JavaVM[/b] <=this folder, if found!

  • Clear the java cache

You’re welcome,

Just follow the advice already given as you have done, a periodic scan with the Secunia Software Inspector should keep you in good order, worth bookmarking it and visit once a month.

Hi Oldman and thanks for your input. It’s easy to fix problems when someone lays out all the links for ya! I cleared the Java cache and deleted all the old versions as you suggested. I didn’t have the files you instructed me not to delete.

A while back I was having problems with a Flash object 9ocx, I don’t remember the exact name, and my browser would stop working unexpectedly so I took some advice and went to Internet Options, add-ons, disabled all my add-ons and enabled one by one to see what the problem was.

I got impatient and started enabling them three or four at a time and was still having problems so I gave up and got frustrated. I did read something about that issue and how the new version fixed that bug.

The reason I bring this matter up is that while those Java add-ons were disabled, could one of those add-ons have been the one that told me to update or advised me of security issues? Is there information available anywhere that lets you know which add-ons are safe and which can safely be not only disabled but deleted? For example, I have 20 or more MCCI add-ons.

One last comment/question/cry for help: I am having problems with my Recovery D partition. I made the mistake of doing my initial backups to D and now it is full and I get a nag screen every minute or so. Is there some information you can steer me to that will tell me what I can safely delete from Recovery D so that I don’t slow my system down anymore than it already is?

Sorry if that last paragraph should be a new post. They don’t call us Newbies for nuttin.