I have latest built of avast free and running on windows 7 32 bit with 4GB or Ram and plenty of free space on an SSD drive.
I have been getting the message when I try to do a scan from Avast recently, " Can’t process command, not enough storage is available to process this command"
Resource monitor shows that plenty of memory is free on my PC and after PC is restarted I can usually do a scan, but not if its on for some time.
Thanks for reply, 103GB free on drive so don’t think its that.
I have the feeling its something to do with RAM, but not sure, so any other ideas appreciated.
Just to be sure, the 105Gb free is on the SSD and you have installed avast on it with the default settings ?
What exact scan are you trying to perform ?
What exact version of avast ?
Any other security (related) software installed ? (or was there)
Is there anything in one of the avast log files that (could be) related to the error ?
My Avast is version 12.3.3154.23 latest version. Yes its 105GB free on the system drive and that is what I am trying to scan the whole C drive in select folder to scan options.
What makes me think its got to do with RAM is after I restart computer the scan will run then, but not if its left on for hours.
I have just installed the latest version 17.1.2286 and so far so good, I hope
What I am a little puzzled about is the jump from my previous version which was 12.3.3154.23 to the above version, as I had always right clicked on the Avast icon on the taskbar and tried to update the software program which did update at times,
Why the sudden jump from version 12 to 17?
Thanks a lot for all the replies, hope this clears it up.
Couple of months ago, avast took a majority stake in AVG.
They have been very busy to enhance detections in both avast and AVG.
As there is no use in releasing halve baked version, avast postponed the release of new stable products.
There has been intensive beta testing the last +/- month which lead to this new version.
Don’t worry about the version numbering, avast keeps changing the way the version number is build op.
First they removed the year from the numbering and now they are adding it again (hence the 17).
And to add to the confusion, that latest stable release has the same number as the latest Beta.
You would expect the numbering is logical and easy to understand, but no…
avast seems to have a habit of doing illogical things. (And I am sure of it, I asked Mr. Spock about it ;D )