Not infected Files in the Chest.

Why put Avast 4 home this files every time in the Chest and System Files? ??? ???
I scan this whit Avast but notthing are infected.
Result are “No Virus”.
If i remove this files then are they in no time return to jail. (Chest).

Later this day look i for reactions on this topic.

Nothing to worry about. These are there by default as these files are in my chest location as well!. I think avast stores them there for information about your system and these are not viruses.

Hi Cactusjack, long time no see.

Those are system files. I think they are created by the VRDB, not really sure.
The only section of the chest you should be concerned with is “infected files”, and, if you use it, “user files”.(Gebruikerbesta…?)

Yes, these entries are nothing to worry about.

The three files are core Windows files which have been at some time altered by way of a Windows update/hotfix/patch.

Avast knows they have been altered and has given you an information entry to that effect.

The files are not infected and are not infectious.

The way to handle them is to leave them alone and forget that they are there.

I remove them 3 times from the Chest and System files but emeditly are they back.
I found this strange becouse these files are not to removed.

For a second opinion let i run a-squared free and Prevx 3 but this scanners found nothing at all.
Both scanners are the best on the market and i do not understand what the files in the Chest doing.

Are this maybe not wurked out in the Avast database? ???

The files are safe files that have been backed up by avast! during installation.

[b]Backup of the system files.[/b] During the installation, avast! copies some critical system files into the Chest, under the "System files" category. Those files might cause the operating system to crash if they get infected by a virus. If needed, those files can be restored from the Chest to their original location. Should an unknown virus infect the computer despite the extensive protection from the avast! antivirus package and alter an important system file, it can then be easily restored to its original state.

These three files you have in there are in the ‘system files’ section, not infected. This is the problem with the ‘All chest files’ section (Alle Kluis bestanden) as it shows all of the files…You should really only worry about the top category, ‘infected files’

Everyone has them and it is ok, nothing to worry about (I actually have 3 copies of kernel32.dll for some reason…)


jennysy, please stop. You are posting wrong information that could potentially ruin someone’s pc. running 2 antiviruses at a time is NOT recommended.

(also, the smiley you hotlinked is also on the forum, so it is not really necessary…)

Okay sgp SCOTT i understand your explain about this case.

So i say have i a-squared free and Prevx3 (whitout licence only for detection).
When this scanners say that i am infected,going i directly to or

a-squared free =a Stand Alone scanner that olso things remove what Prevx 3 found.
It is a combination whits running fine whit every virusscanner and exelent detection whit Malware en other stuff.

Olso use i Online Armor Premium Firewall and that are a gift of GAOTD.
So this are what i have running next Avast 4 Home and i think that its perfect.
And very little resourses.

Security costs are zero,defence are 100%. (i think).