not new.... just a virus

nothing new…was doing a download of some MP3 songs

              and all my sirens/bells/and warnings  went off

              had a "Back Door Trojan browser hi jacker" Whoopie

              couldnt delete it ..and i couldnt get online because it

               kept directing me to download a " virus program "

               hijackled my home page ...what fun....

                since i  only know how to turn the comp. on/off

               i decided to skip on down to my friend at his 

                store......$120 to remove and replace Windows xp

                "Yipeee" ::)   ....oil well... like i said  "nothing new"

On the internet, put your faith in Secunia:

The Secunia PSI is the vulnerability scanner for your personal computer. It is the FREE security tool designed with the sole purpose of helping you secure your computer from software vulnerabilities.

Software vulnerabilities affect all applications installed on your computer, from the Operating System down to your email client, office application, instant messaging, and so on.

What are software vulnerabilities?
A software vulnerability is basically a programming error/flaw in a software application, that can be used by a hacker to perform actions, which have a security impact on your computer. These actions range from disclosure of sensitive information stored on your computer (like credit card numbers and account information) to automatic installation of viruses, trojans, keyloggers, or other code.
10 Quick Fixes for the Worst Security Nightmares
…a free and easy security app from Secunia can help save the day

Why is this a risk to you? An example: When you browse the Internet, you use an “Internet browser” this may be: Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Opera. All of these browsers have been affected by software vulnerabilities that have allowed hackers to do practically anything on your computer - all you had to do was to visit a website and the website could take control of your computer. The same goes for each and every other application on your computer - unless you keep them updated and patched.

This is where the Secunia PSI steps in; It will scan, find, and assess all programs installed on your PC.

Programs such as anti-virus, personal firewall, and anti-spyware are good measures of protection, but they will NOT protect you from the threat of software vulnerabilities - despite what many of them promise!

Editor Review:
Not only does this impressive program provide extensive details on the software installed on your computer, it gives you direct links to update old and programs that are potentially not secure…We highly recommend this useful freeware program to keep your software up to date.

How can you protect yourself from software vulnerabilities?
You simply need to keep your software updated. The only real solution, to avoid becoming a victim of a hacker exploiting software vulnerabilities, is to install the latest security updates that the software vendors release. In other words, make sure that you always have the latest secure versions of the software that you have installed on your computer.

Hi folks,

I second FwF here, have it also - Secunia PSI (RC4) -, and it helps you updating so you have all the critical updates for your third party software. It is part of a sound security policy to have it sitting there on your comp.
