what to do …
I dwnld avast4 and it discovered 4 files infected, I immediately put them in the virus chest, but now what do I do? ???
Can you help me with a detailed solution?
Leave them in the chest until you’ve answered these questions.
Where were the files and what are their names and which viruses are detected.
If you give more info I’m sure some of the experts will be along to help you.
Thanx …for answering and heres the info you need to help me
I have WinMe
The following files are in the virus chest
File _CACHE_002
Folder c:\Windows\Profiles\Nance\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\default.
virus description Win32:Swen[Wrm]
File imscan.dll
Folder c\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Active scan
virus Win32:kuang2
File pav.sig
virus Win95:Matyas
File pav.sig
virus Win95:Matyas
This is all very confusing for me, how do I fix all this while its still in the chest?
You should also know I do not have a back up windows disc. My puter was bought by an independent who builds their own and well you know the rest…
the last 3 are “false positives” in PANDA-AV-files, for details see above Link or avast FAQ’s
SWEN was caught in your Browser-Cache ? rather weird…
are you maybe subscribed for newsgroups ?
Read some info on SWEN:
you can just leave the files in the chest (they are harmless there), or delete them,. if your PC & browser run OK after a couple of reboots…
do a full thorough scan with avast (archive-scanning enabled!)
Make sure that you have all Windowsupdates applied !!
What browser are you using and what version?
I use IE, and I’m really beginning to hate it… >:(
Recently I bought the symantec Norton systems works and all my trouble started after I dwnld the software and I’m having sooo much trouble now with evreything. I’m getting error pop ups constantly and my puter freezes and more weird things too. I did remove NSW and sent it back for a refund.
I’ve been so frustrated with this machine I actually saw myself throwing the darn thing out the window…but didn’t and think I will forget about WinMe and upgrade it the XP…
What ya think ??? and as for browsers I do have netscape and firefox too …Can a person actually delete IE from windows?
thanx a bunch for listening , I’ll check in later.
Hi Carmel,
Sorry your having problems and welcome to the Forum.
Part of your problem is that Norton AntiVirus is not compatible with Avast! Wich means NAV has to be removed from your system. Unfortunately, just using the add/remove programs function does not remove all of NAV. The only way to do it is to go to the Symantec website and download their special program for deleting NAV.
Your second question reguarding Internet Explorer:
No you can’t totally remove it from you system. it is needed to do the updates for your operating system.
Hope that helps.
Thanx Bob,
Norton was [/i]installed and removed [/i] before I got avast…and my problems like I said are worse.
What ya think about upgrading to Win XP? I’d really like to hear what anyone thinks about that.
My question still remains, how did you remove NAV?
Upgrading to XP will not necessarily fix your problem if the registry is still loaded with Norton and Symantec clutter.
Also, without knowing more about your system, I can’t tell you if your system has what it takes to smoothly change over to XP.
Let’s see now, I dwnld Norton systems works 2004, I already have on my system nortons firewall which was installed about May this year ( which has worked really well with no problems). In the NSW is a norton go back, I installed that separately like the wizard said and thats what started all my problems. I called my puter friend and he advised me to uninstall the “go back” and see if that would improve, and it sort of did some, but after about a day all kinds of stuff started like my msn wouldn’t open and I’d have to reboot all the time… so I decided to remove norton system works completely. I did that by control panel add/remove programs.
I called my friend and he pointed me to avast a free antivirus and thats how I came to be here.
As you know I’m still having difficulties. I’m taking my tower in to my friend (who doesn’t do this for free) : tomorrow morning. He’ll have it for a week I’m sure
He plans to clean her out fix all the errors my putor is sending me and make sure shes running well before he updates it to win XP.
This is my last evening for at least a week until I get my tower back.
I’m back and I’m sorry to see no one answered my question…maybe someone could now. thanx for your time.
Hi Carmel,
Add/Remove does not uninstall Norton from your system. There are many things left in the registry that interfere with Avast!.
Please go to the Symantec WebSite and download their Uninstall program. After you’ve used that program to completely get rid of all traces. Reboot your computer.
Now go to ControlPanel … Add or Remove Programs… Select Avast! AntiVirus … remove and then Choose REPAIR.
Reboot again.
That hopefully should take care of your problems. Please let me know how you make out.
Hi Bob,
As I said previously, my puter was going in and I didn’t have her all week. I got her back on Fri…
My friend couldn’t update it to XP , said he’d have to do it another time. So I got her home last night and wouldn’t you know it all the other problems I was having were gone but I got a new set of problems instead. Now I’m really pissed, called my friend >:( and told him HEY!! he said to bring her back and he would fix it . Well Bob shes working really great now and I’m not going to upgrade her after all , but what I’m going to do is save up for a new tower with Win XP and this one can be a back up. ;D
I’m glad to hear you’ve got the puter back but, sorry it wasn’t upgraded. You might be better off getting a new one. Upgrades can sometimes be more expensive than just buying a new one.
I also have an old clunker as a back up just incase.
Right now my wife uses that as her game machine.