Have installed Avast Pro (demo) on Windows 7, all seems fine, but auto-update does not work.
Windows prompts me within “actions” that anti-virus needs updating, but Avast does not update itself, I have to manually start the update.
Avast has both iAVS and program set to auto update.
Firewall has been set so that Avast has web access.
Can anyone think of what I’m missing / has anyone else had the same problem?
Tried a new installation on another Win 7 box (demo box going to a customer)
Windows Actions still reporting:
“avast! antivirus reports that it is out of date.”
Unfortunately on this build the “Update now” button doesn’t work.
It shouldn’t be funny, but Avast! claim to be compatible with Windows 7
but AV which doesn’t update is useless,
so “compatible” yes, useful or recommendable, NO!
auto update works on my machine windows7 Rc build 7100 avast 4.8 pro windows defender, windows firewall no problems yet.Are you using 4.8 or the beta for 5
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition x64 with Avast 4.8 Home Edition user here. Glad to report that Avast works PERFECTLY WELL, auto-update is working as per normal.
Oh, there is a beta? I love betas. May want to try it.