I think/hope is not a virus :
29/05/2009 05:56:05 SYSTEM 2044 Sign of “Win32:JunkPoly [Cryp]” has been found in “C:\Program Files\Spyware Doctor\PCToolsComponents.bpl” file.
I think/hope is not a virus :
29/05/2009 05:56:05 SYSTEM 2044 Sign of “Win32:JunkPoly [Cryp]” has been found in “C:\Program Files\Spyware Doctor\PCToolsComponents.bpl” file.
I have had this issue many times today.
Some of my clients have contacted me today about this issue…
I have 3 ‘fresh’ pc builds in the workshop today (Win XP SP3 + Avast Home [Free] + PCTools Spyware Doc [Starter Edition]), as soon as avast has updated it reported part of Spyware Doctor as a virus. I believe this must be a false positive.
Can you inform the file as being a false positive? (click on the bottom right of the virus warning message).
To know if a file is a false positive, please submit it to VirusTotal and let us know the result. VirusTotal has a file size limit of 10Mb. You can use VirScan also.
If it is indeed a false positive, send it in a password protected zip to virus@avast.com. Please, mention in the body of the message why you think it is a false positive and the password used. Thanks.
Maybe you need to disable Hide protected operating system files and enable View hidden files and folders to manage the file(s).
As a workaround, you can add these files to the Standard Shield provider (on-access scanning) exclusion list.
Left click the ‘a’ blue icon, click on the provider icon at left and then Customize. Go to Advanced tab and click on Add button…
You can use wildcards like * and ?. But be careful, you should ‘exclude’ that many files that let your system in danger.
A .bpl file eh?^^
Pls refer to this thread^^
Today my mother had the same trouble in her pc…
I try do uninstall and install but it didn’t resolve the trouble.
I tryed to update my avast and try to scan the same file, but avast didn’t find nothing…
I simply took my file, I put it in a pen drive and replace the file in my mother’s pc…
and now it works…
So I don’t think it’s a false positive…
In my case, for the first time, avast! blocked Spyware Doctor this morning when I tried to open SD. It identified the same JunkPoly[Cryp] virus others have found, but the “infected” file was named trza80.tmp. Nonetheless, after quarantining this file in the Chest, SD would not start; the pop-up start error indicated that PCTools Components.bpl was missing and that re-installation might solve the problem. I have not tried that, but I am inclined to believe, based on this thread, that the virus identification is a FP, and so to first try restoring the quarantined file. I did send the “infected” file to avast! as a possible FP. It would be helpful if avast! would confirm to everyone that it is indeed a FP. Thanks.
It has been acknowledged as a false positive and has been corrected internally and should be included in the next VPS update.
I had the same problem this morning when I booted up my computer. I cannot even get into my Outlook to check mail. When I try to open outlook I get a message that says the personal folder wasn’t closed properly and it does a quick little scan and then closes. When I click on Mail or my Students folders it just freezes up and I get another message that says - pctools components.bpl not found. Re-installing might fix the problem - pctstray.exe unable to locate.
HELP!!! I am not a computer wizard and I don’t know what to do from this point. I have been working on this since 8:00 this morning. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Well the above issue should have no impact on your email program assuming that the detection is on the same file, so there is something else in the mix.
Have you done a manual update as suggested as if exactly the same problem it has been corrected ?
Manual update - right click the avast ‘a’ icon, select Updating, iAVS Update.
Once you have the latest VPS then presumably you sent the components.bpl to the avast chest ?
If so then you can restore it from the chest, right click the file in the Infected Files section of the chest and select Restore.