NotAThreat.EICAR[Test File]

Hi,just now I have just tested Avast! to scan this virus:NotAThreat.EICAR[Test File].Unfortunately, Avast!did not detect it but I use SAS to scan this virus and SAS detected as a Trojan:

You can test with this method:
1)Open your notepad and copy paste the below line with out quoets


2)Now save it as “

3)scan it with your anti-virus and you av should detect it and remove it.You can also place the file in a ZIP or RAR file and run a scan on it so as to ensure whether your anti-virus can detect the test string in the compressed archive

Finally,I right-clicked chose Avast! to quick scan and Avast! said no threat found but when I chose SAS and SAS detected…html

You sure you have official, legal Avast? Cause

eh. just tested it. avast detects eicar


I get the method from here: was just felt a little sorry to Avast! for doing that.

You meant that Avast! detected this virus?Hpw you scanned?

You probably pasted the wrong string altogether. Click here and see if Avast reacts.