I have tried everything to stop those windows to pup up everytime there is a virus… in vain.
How to simply automate the deletion of the virus without warning ?
With 10 viruses an hour, I spend more time killing them with 2 (sometime 6 to 8 clicks, than working.
Go to standard shield, click CUSTOMIZE and chose ADVANCED tab… (you’ll do that if you left click avast! blue icon in system tray). If you don’t see those icons on the left side of the window, just click on DETAILS >>… button
Chose silent mode and define general answer (yes or no)
Exactly, and where was your antivirus protection before ? Also, If something like that ever happens in here (and believe it or not, it never ever happened in the past, not a single time since avast! is installed in here), sure I wouldn’t like to hide those notification messages. I would like to see what’s happening. Most important, you don’t wanna see hundreds of your crucial system files erased automatically. If something like that happens, I would like to be sure what’s going on.
ReVan, you say
“Why do I receive so many viruses ?”
I guess I’m not the only one… how would you say one can ocntrol what goes on the Net ? (not being sarcastic… just puzzled, and interested with a helping answer).
I use an average of 50 email addies on various servers (shared hosting, private hosting, major ISPs (Bluewin (swiss) to name just one) and they come from all sources.
I would certainly be happy to keep them from reaching me.
I’d rather keep control too, but it comes to a point where I would simply have to change job and create a new job “virus eraser/delete clicker”
I’d be happy to call you if you can guide me to a solution.
Feel free to email me
The Pro version gives much more flexability in what you can do with detected viruses once set-up you won’t require user intervention in the same way as with the home version.
I assume that the majority of these warnings are about incoming emails that are infected? I would imigine that you also get a lot of Spam too.
If you are regularly getting these infected emails, so as to be intrusive and not wanting to be notified about them, perhaps it is time to review your PC security. You can intercept these emails at source (your isp/services mail server) and delete them there, rather than download them.
I use MailWasher Pro, although it is primarily for Spam it is also easy to deal with suspicious emails. There is a free version, but this only works with a single email account. The Pro version works with multiple accounts.