Notifications from Avast

Just recently added Avast Mobile security to my phone. Ever since then I am getting notifications on my phone about 2 thing. (1) That I have exceeded my storage limit and (2) every time I change wi-fi locations a notification appears asking me to check for “holes” in my wi-fi. I can’t find any information on what to do about the storage issue, but I have learned that it apparently has something to do with Google drive ( although I don’t know what that is either). I’ve started a ticket on July 24th, heard back from Avast once and now, nothing, until I posted on Facebook about these problems. Anyone out there have any info?

HEY AVAST! I have vision problems so it is difficult for me to see your verification letters, so I tried the audio option - but Chrome no longer supports that type of file! I’m going to try to get the visual clues so I can post this, but what are you going to do about the fact that Chrome no longer supports that type of file?

Hi judieannten90j1,
thank you for your feedback!

Regarding to your points: Could you please send me a ticket number? I will ask our support guys. And sorry about notification issue - we are going to limit display notification about Wi-Fi vulnerabilities, although we suggest to scan every unknown wifi you are connected to.

And to our verification e-mails… Could you please send us steps to reproduce? How did you use audio option and with which e-mail?

Thank you,